July 29, 2014

Chili Mango Protein Shake

Chili Mango Protein Shake

Protein shakes are probably one of the most perfect breakfasts. It takes 5 minutes or less to blend them up, you can stick them in the freezer the night before and by the time you get to work you'll have a smoothie with the perfect consistency to sip at your desk. 

The best part? They're really easy to customize and require no actual cooking!

What you need:

Frozen Mango Chunks
Milk Product of Choice
Tall Glass

To make:

In the blender add frozen mango, 1/2 scoop of protein powder, about 1/2 teaspoon Tajin (chili/lime) powder, and then top with milk until covering mango chunks.


Pour into glass.

Sprinkle a little more Tajin powder on top.


Tip: If you don't have a single serving type blender you can easily portion out how much of each ingredient to use by using the glass you'll be drinking it in. Fill your glass with all the ingredients as listed above but then simply dump the ingredients into the blender to blend after portioning in your glass. 

Tip: Smoothies are easy to make ahead for the week by making a large batch, pouring it into a Blender Ball cup, (they're perfect for re-mixing the smoothie if it starts to separate) and stuck them in the freezer. On the way out the door simply grab a frozen smoothie and go. As you're getting ready for the day take a pre-frozen smoothie out of the freezer to start thawing and by the time you get to work they're ready to go.

****Diary free version: Use rice milk and sub the whey protein powder for soy protein powder.

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