August 10, 2014

Egg and Chorizo Breakfast Pie

Egg and Chorizo Breakfast Pie

What you need:

1 9” Pie Crust
10 Large Eggs
1 Lb Ground Chorizo
14 Slices of Bacon, Cooked but not Crispy 
1/2 Cup Heavy Cream (Or Milk)
Salt/Pepper to taste
Optional: ¼ Cup Cheese, Shredded

To make: 

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Press pie crust into pie pan and let rest while prepping filling. 

Create a bacon lattice top by weaving bacon strips 7x7 on top of a piece of foil.

Place the bacon lattice, while still on foil, into a freezer for 5-10 minutes or until firm enough (but not frozen) to place atop assembled pie.

Crack 10 eggs into a mixing bowl, add the 1/2 cup of cream, and whisk until well incorporated. 

Brown the ground chorizo in a skillet until fully cooked and allow to cool.

Once cooked chorizo has cooled, mix with beaten egg/cream mixture.

If adding cheese or other fillings stir into egg/cream/chorizo mixture at this time.

Pour filling into pie shell.

Remove bacon lattice from foil and place centered on pie. It is ok if it a little of the egg mixture seeps through, it will still bake into a nice crusty top.

Bake at 350 for 30-45 minutes or until firm in the center.


Timesaver: This is made even quicker and easier by utilizing pre-made pie crust and pre-cooked bacon.

Tip: If the pie crust starts browning too much before the center of the pie is fully set you can very loosely wrap foil around the edge of the crust to slow down the browning process. Remove the foil during the last 5 minutes of cooking.

This dish is easy to customize by adding any meats/cheeses/vegetables you’d like, or even baking directly into a well-greased pie pan sans pie crust for a paleo friendly version. It also freezes well!

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